It is hard to believe that this is the last Courier before half term. Although the past six and a half weeks have shot by, the pupils and staff have achieved so much together.
Yesterday evening, I had the great pleasure of joining a big audience for the Year 4 play, ‘Hansel and Gretel’. The quality of acting, singing and dancing was extremely high and it was amazing to think what the pupils had achieved in the space of just four days. They even managed to squeeze in all of their Maths lessons and sports sessions! It is so valuable for all of our boys and girls to develop their skills and confidence to perform on stage and they have been taught superbly well by Mrs Hornsby, Mr Baker and the Year 4 staff. Of particular note was the huge progress made by the pupils since they last performed on stage as a group at the end of Year 2. It is only around 15 months, but the development has been huge. Many other staff contributed to the fantastic show last night, and a big thank you to them and to all of the parents who helped the boys and girls with their fabulous costumes.
Our pupils have also been enjoying great success in their sport with a large number of boys and girls performing to a very high standard in regional Biathlon competitions over the last two weekends. We have established ourselves as one of the leading Prep Schools in the country for Biathlon and we have individuals and teams who are firmly in contention for podium finishes at the Nationals later in the year. Very well done to all of the determined and talented competitors, as well as the staff who support them so well.
On Wednesday evening, it was very good to see a large number of Year 8 parents and pupils at the ‘Bring on Year 9 Information Evening’ in the Senior School Theatre. As well as ensuring that pupils at the top of the Prep School enjoy a smooth transition into the Senior School, we are committed to making sure that parents have all of the information which they need to feel very confident about the years ahead. Last summer, of sixty-one pupils who finished Year 8, sixty moved into our Senior School to be joined by approximately thirty Year 9 newcomers. It is lovely for our pupils that they do not tend to lose friends as they move up the school, and that new joiners enter the year group to add new friendship opportunities.
Finally from me, here is a question which Mr Henderson, Academic Deputy Head of the Senior School put to our pupils in Years 7 and 8 during their Enrichment lesson last Saturday; “If a plane takes off from London carrying Irish passengers, on its way to Scotland, but crashes in Wales, where will the survivors be buried?” And if you think that was easy…”What has four fingers and a thumb, but is not made of flesh, fish, bone, or fowl?”. I will give a Housepoint on Monday to any pupil in Year 6 or below who tells me the correct answers. Thank you to Mr Henderson for a thoroughly entertaining and educational lesson!
Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS