Taunton School Alumni

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The Old Tauntonian Association was founded in 1889 to support our large network of Old Tauntonians and Old Weirfieldans. The Association is managed by a dedicated committee of OTs and OWs and supported by the Foundation and Alumni Office.

We are a thriving alumni community made up of over 10,000 OTs and OWs, living in more than 120 countries. We remain connected with each other via regular communications and through a wide range of events held throughout the year.  

Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, please do keep in touch. We are always happy to arrange visits to the school and to answer any enquiries.

Stay Connected

Update your contact details

If you change your address, email or just want to ensure that you receive the next edition of the OT Review then please contact the Foundation and Alumni Team on 01823 703157 or foundation@tauntonschool.co.uk.


Community Profiles

We hope you enjoy reading about some of the inspiring and leading members of the School’s community. If you know of an OT, OW or parent who you would like to see featured here, then please do get in touch – we would love to hear your suggestions.