Explore our upcoming alumni events, these are a brilliant opportunity to network and keep in touch with Old Tauntonians.
Upcoming Events for Old Tauntonians
Upcoming Events
Dubai Reception
Anthony Forester-Bennett, President of the OTA, is delighted to be hosting members of the Taunton School community for a complimentary drink at the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club.
Keeling Lecture: Katja Hoyer
Join us to hear historian, journalist and author Katja Hoyer present East Germany: Beyond the Wall, her international bestseller and The Sunday Times and Daily Telegraph’s history book of 2023.
CEOs: What challenges made you a success?
We are delighted to invite you to the next in our series of business and networking panels, this time focusing on ‘CEOs: What challenges made you a success?’.
AGM of the Old Tauntonian Association
We are delighted to invite you to join us for the 137th Annual General Meeting of the Old Tauntonian Association.
OTA President's Dinner
On behalf of the OTA President, Anthony Forester-Bennett (1978, Goodland), we are delighted to invite you to one of the biggest events in the Association’s calendar, the OTA President’s Dinner.
The Myth and of Reality AI
Please save the date for the next in our series of business and networking panels at the RAF Club, this time focusing on The ‘Myth and Reality of AI’.
Charity Ball
Please save the date for next year’s Charity Ball on Saturday 1st November 2025.