Our International Middle School (TSIMS) is located in the nearby village of Kingston St Mary and accepts international students from 7 – 14 years old. TSIMS has places for up to 60 international students and provides the ideal preparation for students wishing to progress on to the Prep School (TPS), Senior School (TS), or indeed, the senior International School (TSI). Every lesson has a focus on English, whether students are studying Maths, Biology, Geography, ICT or English itself.
Students study a wide curriculum, at an age-appropriate level and also have the opportunity to integrate with British students through sport, music, performing arts, after-school clubs and weekend trips.
For international students joining the British education system at 15 years old, we offer a one-year GCSE programme at Taunton School International (TSI), based on the 56-acre Taunton School campus. We have been running this intensive academic course for nearly 30 years and we are the market leader in the provision of such courses. Students are able to complete their GCSE examinations in just one year, providing them with the necessary qualifications to move on to Sixth Form Study (Years 12 & 13), which are the last two years of secondary education prior to students taking up places at university.
International students joining the school at 16+ are able to choose from four academic pathways to university, depending on previous experience, future interests and level of English.
Taunton School is the only school in the UK to offer four pathways, thus enabling students to choose the most relevant and appropriate pathway for them. At the Senior School, students can be considered for A-Levels, the IB or BTEC and at TSI, students are able to take a one- or two-year Business Foundation Programme.