Senior & Sixth Form admissions at Taunton School

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Welcome from Head of Senior Admissions – Julie Amann

For over 10 years, Julie has had the pleasure of helping families join Taunton School.

She is focused on guiding parents who are exploring this exciting opportunity for their children to join at Year 9, Year 10, and Sixth Form. Just as every child is different, every admissions journey will be too. Julie will support you, and provide the bespoke information and advice needed to make this important decision.

What our parents say about Taunton School

“Out of all the schools we contacted or viewed, the admissions team at Taunton School was by far the most welcoming and efficient that we encountered.

They made a fantastic first impression, which was important for us. It was obviously a big step for our daughter to move to boarding school but the entire process from our initial enquiry, through the open days and visits, getting her uniform, to her first day, could not have been more positive.

Thank you, Taunton School, for all your help and support during the admissions process.”

Contact Julie today:
T:01823 703702
Or submit an enquiry form below.

Entry Points for Senior School & Sixth Form

The main ages of admission to the Senior School are 13 (Year 9) and 16 (Year 12/Lower Sixth), but entry into other year groups is also possible. No entrance examination is required, and selection is based on an interview (in person where possible), online cognitive ability test, report, and reference. Admission may also be gained by scholarship entry. Students joining the Sixth Form will be expected to attain a minimum of five GCSE passes at grade 9-5, and for those not taking recognised exams, there are assessment tests. Please note that some subjects will require higher grades for entry than others.

Senior & Sixth Form Admissions Process

  • 1

    Please complete the enquiry form below to express your interest. Our Senior and Sixth Form Admissions Manager will contact you, send over further information, and invite you for a visit.

    Alternatively, please call 01823 703702. Our Admissions Manager will be pleased to answer your questions on any aspect of our academic or co-curricular provision, as well as school life in general.

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    Visit us

    To learn more about Taunton School, we recommend a visit, either by way of a bespoke tour or an open event. Our open days are a great way to meet the students, tour our school and meet the Headmaster, experiencing Taunton school for yourself. We hold regular in person open days, virtual open mornings, and sixth form information events.

    If you prefer to arrange a bespoke 1:1 visit, we can arrange this for you, designing a tailored experience to suit your needs.

  • 3

    At any stage, if you wish to register your interest in your child/children joining the school, you will be invited to complete a registration form (for UK pupils) with the registration fee. If you are applying for an international student, please complete this alternative registration form (for non-UK pupils).

    We will acknowledge your child’s registration and ask for your permission to allow the Headmaster to contact your child’s current Headteacher to request school reports and a school reference.

    At this point in the process, you may like to arrange for your child to spend a taster day with us. If you are considering a boarding place, your child may wish to experience a boarding taster.

    Apply for 13+ Scholarship

    Apply for 16+ Scholarship

    Apply for IB Scholarship

    Pay Registration Fee

  • 4
    Interview & Assessment

    We will arrange an interview and baseline assessment before an offer is made. Our Admissions Manager will guide you through this process.

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    Offer of a place

    Once the above steps are complete, the Headmaster will be in a position to offer a place. You will receive an offer letter, with an acceptance form and a copy of our terms and conditions.

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    Acceptance of a place

    Completion and return of the acceptance form, together with the acceptance deposit (which is returned to you when your child leaves the school), will secure the place and form your contract with the school.

    Confirmation will be sent to you, together with early joining information. A comprehensive joining pack is sent out in mid-July for pupils starting in September.

    Every student with a parent who lives overseas must have an adult guardian in the UK who is responsible for them during their studies at Taunton School.

Book a Visit

This is the best way for prospective families to experience Taunton School with the opportunity to meet members of staff, tour the state-of-the-art facilities and ask questions. Join our in-person open mornings or attend virtually.