Debating & Public Speaking


Debating and Public Speaking has a long history at Taunton School

The Debating and Public Speaking Society is a popular and thriving club and has had a long history at Taunton School. There are regular formal debates, an event referred to as the Burke Debate, and there are also opportunities for students to engage in less formal debating sessions to hone their skills.

We also enjoy success in external Debating and Public Speaking Competitions, being regular participants in the English Speaking Union’s Schools’ Mace, the ESU’s Churchill Public Speaking Competition, the ESU’s Performing Shakespeare Competition, and the Oxford Union School Debating Competition.

We are a founding member of the World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championship

We also enjoy success in external Debating and Public Speaking Competitions, being regular participants in the English Speaking Union’s Schools’ Mace, the ESU’s Churchill Public Speaking Competition, the ESU’s Performing Shakespeare Competition, and the Oxford Union School Debating Competition.

We are also a founding member of the World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships; this is an international debating competition, in which we send students to compete at an international debating level.

Cultivating a mindset for life and a freedom to be yourself

The Debating and Public Speaking Society at Taunton School aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective speakers and debaters. The society is open to individuals of all ages in the Senior School.

Students participating in the Debating and Public Speaking Society develop their communication skills, including verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, and critical thinking. There are plenty of opportunities to engage in constructive debate and dialogue, in both formal and informal settings, allowing students to develop a deeper understanding of complex issues and diverse perspectives.

Students learn to enhance their ability to express themselves clearly and persuasively in a variety of settings, including public speaking engagements, but also in all other aspects of their present and future lives. This is all with the intention of build students’ confidence and self-esteem; enabling them to take on leadership roles and pursue their goals with greater enthusiasm and determination.

Model United Nations

The Model United Nations (MUN) Club at is a co-curricular activity that provides students with an opportunity to participate in simulations of the United Nations. The MUN Club meets regularly, and members engage in activities that prepare them for MUN conferences.

The club is overseen by a staff member, but student leaders (called Secretary Generals) organise the meetings, coordinate activities, and guide members in the development of their skills. The club is open to the whole student body of the Secondary School, but usually attracts students who are interested in international relations, diplomacy, public speaking, and critical thinking.

In the meetings, members participate in debates, practise their public speaking skills, learn about global issues, and hone their negotiation and diplomacy skills. They may also engage in research, writing, and presenting on specific issues or countries.

The MUN Club attends local and regional conferences, where they have the opportunity to participate in United Nations simulations with other schools. At these conferences, students represent a specific country and work with other delegates to draft resolutions, negotiate with other delegations, and ultimately pass resolutions on a specific issue.

The MUN Club provides a unique opportunity for students to develop skills, gain knowledge about global issues, and build relationships with like-minded peers. It can also be a valuable addition to University applications and a stepping stone towards future leadership roles in international affairs.