The Taunton School Journey & The Taunton Twelve

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The Taunton School Journey

  • Alumni Life beyond school
  • Sixth Form For ages 16-18
  • Senior For ages 13-16
  • Preparatory For ages 7-13
  • Pre-Prep For ages 4-7
  • Nursery For ages 0-4


For ages 0-4

At our Nursery, we are renowned for our excellence in Early Years Education for those aged 0-4 years.


For ages 4-7

Our Pre-Prep, for children aged 4-7 years offers a safe and vibrant environment where every child can feel secure and happy.


For ages 7-13

Our Prep School is home to 330 boys and girls aged between 7 & 13 with a happy boarding community of around 50.


For ages 13-16

At Taunton Senior School, whilst we are proudly ambitious for all of our students, their wellbeing is at the heart of all we do.

Sixth Form

For ages 16-18

Our vibrant Sixth Form offer four separate academic pathways playing to the strengths of every student.


For ages 7-18

We have been welcoming international students for over 100 years and Taunton School is home to students from more than 60 nationalities across the globe.

Exceptional Together

Taunton At A Glance

1847 The year we were founded
56 Acre campus
4 Alternative pathways to higher education
1200 Pupils on-site
150+ Clubs and societies
#7 In the UK for sports provision
20 School Musical ensembles
60+ Different nationalities

Find Your Exceptional

Whatever your background, whatever your story, we unearth potential in every child. Find your exceptional at Taunton School.

Left Winger
Lead Singer
Vote Winner

Our Aims & Ethos

Our purpose

Celebrating each individual

To enable each child to embrace their individuality, explore their passions, and develop into confident and well-rounded adults ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Our mission

Unearthing potential in every child

To put our students at the heart of our decision making. We are ambitious for all, unearthing their potential while maintaining a humble and down-to-earth approach. By combining a supportive environment with high expectations, we strive to prepare our students for a fulfilling and successful life beyond school.

Our vision

Delivering exceptional every day

We aspire to create an environment where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. By fostering a culture of ambition, cultivating a mindset for life, nurturing a sense of belonging, and embracing our global community, we provide an extraordinary educational experience that prepares our students for exceptional futures.

Culture & cornerstone values
  • Humility
  • Engagement
  • Kindness

As a community we are united by three core values for staff and students.

Four strategic pillars & the Taunton Twelve

A culture of ambition

  • A wealth of opportunity
  • Unearthing potential
  • Academic excellence

A sense of belonging

  • One inclusive family
  • Rooted in kindness and compassion
  • Freedom to be yourself

A mindset for life

  • Resilience and authenticity
  • Independence and curiosity
  • Integrity and humility

A Global community

  • An inspiring learning environment
  • Celebrating diversity
  • Connections beyond the classroom

Our Strategic Vision

At Taunton School, we are committed to excellence in education and holistic student development.

Our strategic objectives serve as a guiding principle ensuring that we provide and ambitious and enriching environment for every student.