Academic pathways at Taunton Prep School


Academic Excellence
Taunton Prep School

We Aim High & Try Our Best

At Taunton Prep School pupils are taught by subject specialists in classrooms with a high level of technical equipment including our own Science and Design and Technology labs. We prioritise positive behaviour, respect, and active engagement in lessons. Despite being non-selective, our students consistently exceed national averages in Maths and English, showcasing our commitment to unlocking academic potential for all. Our scholarship program, spanning from Year 5 to Year 13, fosters academic and personal growth. Mentored by dedicated staff, scholars thrive in diverse learning environments, embracing challenges and opportunities for excellence.

We challenge students to excel through community projects, national competitions, and enrichment sessions. In Years 7 & 8, students participate in weekly enrichment sessions, exploring diverse perspectives and leadership opportunities within the school. Our academic community celebrates both outstanding achievements and individual progress, recognising and supporting students on their journey to excellence and personal growth.

Uncovering Potential & Inspiring Learning

We Are Active Learners & Curious

At Taunton Prep School, we nurture every child’s potential. In Years 3 to 5, our ‘book-based’ creative curriculum approach integrates English, History, Geography, and creative subjects through captivating topics. Students explore diverse texts, go on trips, and engage with guest speakers.

Specialists in DT, Art, Performing Arts, and French provide continuity from Year 3 to Year 6. In Years 6 to 8, students broaden their options, including languages taught by Senior School staff, preparing them for a seamless transition.

We pride ourselves by ensuring that all year groups and pupils have a broad and balanced curriculum which includes Drama, Music, Art and Design Technology alongside the core of Maths, English, Science, History, Philosophy and Geography.

We Try New Things & Embrace Challenges

As an all-through school, we benefit from excellent teaching facilities across all areas of the curriculum offering a wealth of opportunity.

We recognise that learning is achieved through a variety of mediums and are delighted each year to welcome authors, poets, artists, philosophers and scientists, providing opportunities for pupils to try new things.As part of our timetabled lessons for younger pupils we provide musical instrument taster sessions and their first experience of a choir.

We integrate elements such as STEM days, PSHEE workshops and outdoor education as pupils move up the school as part of our school experience. At TPS, we want pupils to be curious and independent thinkers, developing a love of learning and a desire to be an active member of our school community.

We Celebrate Diversity & Support Every Student

At Taunton Prep School, we are proud of our inclusive international community, fostering respect and tolerance among our students. For those with English as a Second Language (EAL), we offer personalised support through additional lessons taught by specialist staff, tailored to their individual needs.

Understanding that each student is unique, our dedicated SEND department provides highly qualified specialist teachers who offer one-to-one tuition in Maths and English. We believe in promoting confidence and independence within a nurturing environment, enabling students to take ownership of their learning journey.

Book your Visit with us

Join our Prep Headmaster, Ed Burnett, and the Taunton School Leadership Team at an upcoming open day.

This is the best way for prospective families to experience Taunton School with the opportunity to meet members of staff, tour the state-of-the-art facilities and ask questions. Join our in-person open mornings or attend virtually.