We Aim High & Try Our Best
At Taunton Prep School pupils are taught by subject specialists in classrooms with a high level of technical equipment including our own Science and Design and Technology labs. We prioritise positive behaviour, respect, and active engagement in lessons. Despite being non-selective, our students consistently exceed national averages in Maths and English, showcasing our commitment to unlocking academic potential for all. Our scholarship program, spanning from Year 5 to Year 13, fosters academic and personal growth. Mentored by dedicated staff, scholars thrive in diverse learning environments, embracing challenges and opportunities for excellence.
We challenge students to excel through community projects, national competitions, and enrichment sessions. In Years 7 & 8, students participate in weekly enrichment sessions, exploring diverse perspectives and leadership opportunities within the school. Our academic community celebrates both outstanding achievements and individual progress, recognising and supporting students on their journey to excellence and personal growth.