Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

6th Form Information Evening

Posted: 3rd November 2020

sixth form information evening

After what was for many a restful half term, the Year 11 students at Taunton School International arrived back to the opportunity of learning even more about all the fantastic possibilities of a Taunton School education, when they attended the 6th Form Information Evening.

At the end of their first day back in lessons, the Year 11 students at TSI headed across the road to the Sixth Form Centre in the Senior school to learn about life as a sixth former should they choose to progress within the school.

Mr Glaser, the TS Headmaster, spent a moment talking the students through their options, before department heads gave brief talks around their academic lives and the EAL support at TS. The students then met some of the key pastoral house staff and some current 6th form students, and were given an opportunity to ask questions and hear from the inside what it’s really like!

At this point in their academic lives, it was a welcome sight to see the students looking forward and putting aside any concerns they might have over the current situation. We at TSI all look forward to seeing as many familiar faces as possible at the Senior School in the coming years!


Categories: Blog International