BTEC Business
Taunton School now offers BTEC Business as an option. The course is modular and different modules are studied and then assessed at regular intervals throughout the course.
The BTEC Business course aims to give students:
- Practical experience from real world assignments
- Opportunities to take responsibility for their own learning
- A strong core base of knowledge
- Opportunities to develop interpersonal and practical thinking skills in tasks designed to encourage effective team work
- Knowledge of how to work to a brief with set deadlines, bolstering their time management abilities
Find out more in the subject sheets at the bottom of the page.
BTEC Sport and Exercise Science
Offering BTEC Sport and Exercise Sciences was a natural progression at Taunton School because of our sporting excellence, top coaching staff and state-of-the-art facilities.
Our BTEC Sport and Exercise Sciences Extended Diploma, equivalent to three A Levels, allows students to study sport across the board and focus on their preferred pathway, whilst opening up a huge range of opportunities in the sports industry. Three distinction* grades at BTEC are equivalent to three A*s at A Level and attract the same UCAS points. We also offer the opportunity to complete an A Level alongside either the Extended Diploma or Diploma programmes.
Students cover several different sections within the course and are continually assessed, using a range of methods. This includes core scientific modules like Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology within sports, combined with more practical modules like Sports Injuries, Fitness Testing, Fitness Training and Sports Coaching.
And the great thing about the BTEC Sport and Exercise Sciences Diploma is that students don’t need to excel at any particular sport, just have an interest that can be developed further. The BTEC course has enabled pupils to gain sought after places at the University of Bath, currently ranked top for its sports provision.
The BTEC qualification we offer is a QCF level 3 qualification designed to provide highly specialist, work-related qualifications in a range of vocational sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for a variety of different potential pathways.