Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton School International students bond on Induction Week

Posted: 20th September 2022

taunton school international students on induction week

Thousands of miles from home, one of the biggest cohorts Taunton School International has ever seen has descended into Foxcombe House. Induction week was characterized by an eclectic mix of excitement and anticipation for the days and months ahead.

For many, this is the first time studying away from their home country. Yet the vast range of activities ensured any first-week nerves effortlessly receded. Combat Archery on Foxcombe field was a particular highlight; every student enthusiastically partook in daring games, in an explicit illustration of the strength of teamwork. Although it must be stressed that the students highpoint came at the expense of the teachers, as they were showered with arrows from all directions at the close of the session!

The tutor quiz was another eagerly anticipated event. Students came together as tutor groups to compellingly evoke team spirit and collaboration in a bid for their groups’ success. One particular highlight, it must be said, was the chocolate tasting round – which produced big smiles all round!

Induction week culminated in a two-night residential trip to PGL in Osmington Bay. The weekend was full of thrilling activities: the zip wire, Jacob’s ladder, trapeze, orienteering and even dragon boating. Both days and nights were full of engaging activities which fully immersed students in opportunities to get to know their new school peers.

Whilst a new school year in a new country is inevitably a somewhat daunting experience for all students, the whole Foxcombe team ensured that their first week was a fun-filled and energetic start to the year at TSI.

View photos from the week on our Flickr profile

Categories: International News